Personal Farming Tax Workbook is a tool that will decrease the time your accountant takes to complete your farm schedule on your return. The basic workbook inlcudes:
- Income summary page that your accountant will use to complete your personal farm schedule. I have tailored it based on income and expense reflected on this schedule T1163 Statement A - AgriStability and AgriInvest Programs Information and Statement of Farming Activities for Individuals
- Income and expense transaction tracking working paper, with drop down functions. All amounts pull to summary page. A section for farm vs personal percentage of expenses
- Ending Inventory tracking working paper
- Grain conversion working paper
- GST return working paper
- Medical expenses tracking working paper
- Capital asset Tracking working paper
- Bank reconcilation work paper to ensure you are capturing all your transactions
- Separate working paper for credit card transactions that calculates the running balance
Personal Farm Bookkeeping and Tax Workbook (Elevated) - Using Sch T1163